
Define Dating....

One thing i realized, as of late, is how many people view the term "dating" as something different than the person next to them. In fact, all of us throw this word around, yet there is no standard of what the term actually means. So my hope is to standardize the terms here for this blog, just so when I use "dating", "courting", or any other "relationship word" in later posts, you understand what I mean.

Let's start with the beginning:

Strangers: I don't know you. We have a very little chance of starting a relationship unless this changes.

Acquaintances: Your friend introduced us and now I know your name, and though I may be interested because you are kinda cute, I need a bit more.

Friendship: Wow, we actually know more than the other person's name and we hang out. (This is probably the majority of people you know).

Good Friends: We like to hang out and we actually have deep conversations. I know your character and your beliefs.

Out on a Date: This is dating without the commitment. Saying, "You are neato, I just don't know if I will like you even by next week, but let’s try it out and see."

Dating: We both like each other, we hang out exclusively, and we are "trying each other out" to see if the other person fits. This doesn't have to be too serious-you don't have to get married, yet you are still committed that you are not going to go date anyone else. This is a term used so others know that you two are committed to trying it out.

Courting: You have dated, and it seems to be working. In fact, you are headed towards marriage unless something completely huge comes up (Like the fact that he does not like the new Twilight movie). This truly still leaves room if you find someone that is a better fit, to call it off. Yet, you are saying to this person, "I truly see this working for life, I am not ready to get married, but let’s make this a little more serious."

Fiances: He popped the question, you are ecstatic! He said, "Out of all the people in the world, I choose you to spend the rest of my life with. Do you want to?" Apparently you said "yes", and though you are still not absolutely committed, there would have to be some catastrophic event to not get married. As my friend's mom says, "It's not over till there is a wedding ring on the finger.”

Married: Now you are committed, you have crossed your heart so there is no backing out. You two should be madly in love and one in body and spirit. This is what those relationship statuses from "Going on a date" to "fiances" are headed to. Now you can go forth and have many children. ;)

These are just some terms that many people have many different opinions of what they mean. I hope this will help later posts and bring clarity to what I am saying.

"You keep on using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means..."- Princess Bride,

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