I was recently asked by one of our readers about the "mystery of women." So I will do my best to respond, but understand that part of the answer is in the title-it's just a mystery.
Girls are a mystery to guys. Some girls try hard to keep a guy guessing, but the truth is, you will probably keep him guessing no matter what...Yes, if you want, you can make it easier on the guy, but overall, there will always be some sort of guessing game between the two of you. That is just human.
Now, like always, this is a balancing act. It isn't bad to keep the guy on the edge of his seat, but if you keep him there too long, his backside will get tired and he will move to somewhere (or someone) else. It is important to find the happy medium and try not to overdo anything.
On the side of letting the guy know, you may be one of those girls who likes to lay it all out on the table. That is totally fine. You are a girl that doesn't play around; you know what you want and you go for it. This will keep the guy on the same page all the time and probably make things very comfortable. Ways of doing this are making it obvious that you like him, such as sitting next to him when there are other open seats, sending him notes that say, "I like you, if you like me, circle one. YES no." If the guy likes you back, and he is a guy that likes to know, this is golden for you.
This being said, there is always a little, if not more, "Indiana Jones" in every guy. We guys tend to love adventure, especially if it involves a beautiful woman. This adventure can come from a little mysterious flirting that keeps the guy guessing for a bit.
Now, I have to make a confession, I am in love with a gal. Her name is Rachelle and I don't tell many about her because it is kinda embarrassing. She is actually from Ted Dekker's books: the Black, White, and Red trilogy. Yes, I have a huge book crush, but I think you will understand why.
After the main character, Thomas (I know, fits perfectly, right?) meets Rachelle, she is at her house and she sees him across the room. As she begins to walk towards him, suddenly time goes in slow-mo. She has one of those flowing skirts and you can only imagine the wind blowing her hair back as she gets closer. Then, right as she gets close, she gives him this wink... then immediately turns and walks away. Ohhh, so good! You can only imagine the tension in the room, the mystery of what she is going to do next. Now, I am not suggesting you do this; let's be honest, it is probably on the "I Wanna have Your Babies" side of things. But, in all honesty, holding a mysterious poise towards a guy can make things fun.
The truth is, the mystery is about flirting, not about building a relationship. Let's view this mystery as more of a tool once you know the guy likes you, or even better, when you two start to date.
Just remember that many guys don't wanna be bored. We don't mind trying to figure you gals out, especially if it is more a fun thing. But before you go out doing whatever, give this a lot of caution because this can easily get out of hand.
To leave you with an image, for all you bakers out there: if a relationship is a delicious funfetti cake (my favorite), the non-mystery, real, open talking, should be the cake. This is the majority of the relationship. Then you can add some flirting frosting to the top to make the cake just that much better.
I don't mind a little frosting on the cake,
Oh Tommy you are so wise..haha